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Commodus crazy stuff he did

He had the head of the Colossus chopped off and replaced with his own likeness and even pressured the Senate to officially declare him a living god. Commodus’s ego was unparalleled. But he wasn’t just any god; Commodus believed . He legitimately believed that he was a living god. And what could be more. Only a famous death will do. Striking story! The gladiator who defied an emperor. Now the people want to know how the story ends. Sep 18, 10 He Nearly Bankrupted Rome by Playing Gladiator · 9 He Served Two People at a Banquet · 8 He Renamed the Months of the Year After Himself · 7 He  . He set up the Plebeian Games, which were really just an excuse for the bloodthirsty emperor to hunt and kill hundreds of exotic animals every morning. By , Commodus was basking in his own megalomania. Because of that, Commodus is now infamous in popular culture. Commodus Facts 1. Gladiator (), DreamWorks. Stranger Than Fiction Today, we might remember Commodus best as the unstable emperor played by Joaquin Phoenix in the film Gladiator. But while the movie took a lot of liberties with his life, Commodus's true story is actually even darker. He set up the Plebeian Games, which were really just an excuse for the bloodthirsty emperor to hunt and kill hundreds of exotic . By , Commodus was basking in his own megalomania. Follow the descent into madness of Emperor Commodus, who loved being an arena star and was very hard to kill. Historian Ed Watts leads the. 20 ธ.ค.

  • In Commodus's sister Lucilla conspired with  . Aug 27, Soon after he became sole ruler, Lucius changed his name to Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus.
  • On December 31, , his advisers had him strangled by a champion wrestler, following his announcement the day before that he would assume the consulship, dressed as a gladiator. Meanwhile, Commodus was lapsing into insanity. He gave Rome a new name, Colonia Commodiana (Colony of Commodus), and imagined that he was the god Hercules, entering the arena to fight as a gladiator or to kill lions with bow and arrow. The plot failed, and Commodus retaliated by executing a number of leading senators. Soon after he became sole ruler, Lucius changed his name to Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus. Thereafter his rule became increasingly arbitrary and vicious. In Commodus's sister Lucilla conspired with a group of senators to assassinate him. (Louisonze/CC BY-SA ) The activities which held Commodus’ attention and with which he spent his time were primarily surrounding . Roman coins featuring Commodus. For Laetus and Eclectus, displeased about what he was doing, and inspired by fear because of the threats he made against them because they tried to prevent him. Commodus was renowned throughout Rome for his intimidating physical power, and he loved competing in chariot racing, horse racing, and wresting—both with wild  . He legitimately believed that he was a living god. But he wasn’t just any god; Commodus believed that he was specifically the Greek demigod Hercules. Commodus’s ego was unparalleled. When his madness was its fullest, he started walking around with a cloak made out of a lion’s hide so that he could look more like Hercules, and he forced. He had the head of the Colossus chopped off and replaced with his own likeness and even pressured the Senate to officially declare him a living god. The invitation meant almost certain death; no one would dare beat him, and when he won, he would show no mercy. Commodus wasn't like a normal gladiator. He was brutal, even by the standards of men who beat each other to death for the amusement of an audience. He would force gladiators to come to his home and practice with him. 8. Always the egotist, Commodus changed the months of the year to . Christie’s. Commodus was a complete narcissist and named many things after himself, including the months. Although in real life Commodus did not murder his father Marcus Aurelius, as he does in the. 1 ธ.ค. Q: Is the movie Gladiator based on a true story? Marcus Aurelius was the most kind to the  . Nov 30, "The sources were written either by senators or by people who made their living being paid by senators. He was very vain, and strongly believed himself to be the reincarnation of Hercules – so much so that he ordered statues of himself be dressed like Hercules, and he ordered that people call. Roman coins featuring Commodus. (Louisonze/CC BY-SA ) The activities which held Commodus’ attention and with which he spent his time were primarily surrounding “gladiatorial combat.” He would take to the arena and engage in combat, which the Romans viewed as being scandalous and disgraceful. Aurelius' physician, Galen, was tasked with looking after Commodus to ensure that he stayed healthy and well. Commodus was the tenth of fourteen children born to Aurelius and was ultimately the only surviving son. Every illness was treated to ensure he remained strong and healthy. His twin brother, Titus Aurelius Fulvus Antonius, died at age four. He even planned to kill all senators and rule the Empire from the inside the gladiator’s barrack. When . Commodus’ madness was uncontrollable as he declared himself the new Romulus. Commodus was the first of what would be a century of inept emperors. He would be the first emperor born while his father was the emperor. 23 เม.ย. He would strip naked and walk into the arena in front of all the  . Jun 11, Commodus would organize the great bloodthirsty game in a gladiatorial arena. Commodus accompanied his father during the Marcomannic Wars in , and on a tour of the Eastern provinces in Later that year he became the youngest. Commodus was a Roman emperor who ruled from to He served jointly with his father Marcus Aurelius from until the latter's death in , and thereafter he reigned alone until his assassination. His reign is commonly thought of as marking the end of a golden period of peace in the history of the Roman Empire, known as the Pax Romana. Megalomania In The Colosseum Under Commodus, Rome had descended "from a kingdom of gold to one of iron and rust.". The first, Sextus Tigidius Perennis, Commodus put to death after becoming convinced he was conspiring against him. The second, the freeman Cleander, he allowed to be torn apart by a mob who were outraged at the freeman's abuses. The Death of Commodus, from a history book published in Nowadays Commodus is best remembered as the villain of Ridley Scott’s movie “Gladiator”, a sneering and arrogant . Commodus - The Gladiator Emperor #18 Roman History Documentary Series if you're interested in that subscribe or watch the playlist here. 3 มี.ค. Aug 18, He survived an assassination attempt instigated by his own sister in , when the would-be assassin announced his intentions before he could  . He even planned to kill all senators and rule the Empire from the inside the gladiator’s barrack. When Marcia knew it, she tried to stop Commodus. Commodus treated Marcia as his wife and took the advice, but he didn’t listen to her this time. Commodus’ madness was uncontrollable as he declared himself the new Romulus. Commodus was obsessed with gladiator 7. Commodus became the Augustus at the age of 15 8. Here is the list of the top 10 most cruel yet interesting facts about Roman Emperor Commodus. Commodus was the tenth of fourteen children and the only son to survive Commodus was the tenth of fourteen children and the only son to survive 9. Commodus was still only years-old when he was wed to . 7. Divorce wasn’t the done thing for an Emperor, so Commodus had his wife killed to make space for his favorite mistress. They are enough to drive you crazy. There is some bothersome repetition, as another. This book is pretty good but my god does it have punctuation problems! . Dec 30, A paranoid megalomaniac who played gladiator and thought he was a god, Commodus was even more outrageous than Hollywood could ever depict.
  • He wrote: "First he discarded his family name and issued orders that he was to be called not Commodus, son of Marcus, but Hercules, son of Zeus. Around the year , Commodus suddenly decided that he was the living reincarnation of the god Hercules. The ancient historian Herodian gives the best account of this obsession.
  • He performed personally in hundreds of games, often appearing both in and out of the stadium in the guise of Hercules — complete with lion skin and club! COMMODUS (ruled AD) Why he's wacky: A complete megalomaniac who even renamed Rome after himself, Commodus also was obsessed with gladiatorial combat. The weird fixations of Caligula and Nero made them household names. How he got power: You may be familiar with Commodus from the movie. 7 พ.ค. Jan 25, His behavior was uncontrollable and just like many Roman emperors like this before, serious plots to assassinate the crazy leader were  . Lucius Aurelius Commodus, born A.D., was appointed co-emperor by his father Marcus Aurelius in A.D. when he was just 16 years old. Commmodus Takes The Throne. Contemporary Roman writer Cassius Dio describes the young. In this scene from Gladiator, Commodus (played by Joaquin Phoenix) murders his father to seize the throne for himself. Although athletic, he cheated extensively--slaughtering countless bears, lions, and humans. Meet history's most deranged fighter: a wingnut named Commodus, who preferred gladiating to being emperor. What made me not like it as much is after watching the first episode where they had history experts on and built up this whole thing complaining about commodus. Divorce wasn’t the done thing for an Emperor, so Commodus had his wife killed to make space for his favorite mistress. Commodus was still only years-old when he was wed to Bruttia Crispina, herself just a young girl, in the summer of From the day they wed, Commodus was routinely unfaithful. 7. Caligula was fond of spending money, but not so good at making it. After depleting the coffers at one point, he had the bright idea to turn the palace into an. 7) Creating an Imperial Brothel.