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Delphi color to integer

I have a component that expects. I have colors stored in the database as strings that contain delphi colors, e.g. $00FFFF80, $FF, etc. you can cast the result to be a TColor. Normally, casting is done implicitly. Hence, MyColour:= RGB . Mar 18,  · 4 Answers. A COLORREF and a TColor both are bit integers. If you have values for red, green and blue intensities (a number from 0 to - "byte" type), here's how to get the TColor value: var r,g,b. 2. However, TColor is integer and I get sometimes a range check error. I need to pass a color to GetRValue which accepts cardinals. $00FFFF80, $FF, etc. I have a component that expects  . Mar 31, I have colors stored in the database as strings that contain delphi colors, e.g. $00FFFF80, $FF, etc. I've tried to convert the existing colors with this code, but, since the colors produced are incorrect, I'm apparently doing something wrong. Appreciate any insight. I have a component that expects an integer color rather than a string. I have colors stored in the database as strings that contain delphi colors, e.g. function HexToTColor (sColor: string): TColor; begin // sColor begins with $00 so trim sColor to the last 6 chars if length (sColor) < 6 then sColor:= 'FFFFFF' else sColor:= rightStr (sColor, 6); Result:= RGB (StrToInt ('$'+Copy (sColor, 1, 2)), StrToInt ('$'+Copy (sColor, 3, 2)), StrToInt ('$'+Copy (sColor, 5, 2))); end; Select all. ColorToRGB (Form1. . Nov 03,  · Button1Click (Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; Result: Integer; RealColor, paletteColor: TColor; begin Result:= 0; I:= 0; RealColor:= Graphics. rainer-daus.de › RADStudio › Sydney › Colors_in_the_VCL. Choose the color manually, or from a palette. Select the color in the color palette and copy the hex or integer value. Add colors to a project. 7.

  • The value $00FF (Delphi) or 0x00FF (C++) represents full-intensity, pure blue, $FF00 (Delphi) or 0xFF00 (C++) is pure green, and $FF (  .
  • procedure rainer-daus.ded2DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TDBGColumn; State: TGridDrawState); var CCol: String; begin if rainer-daus.deame = 'ColourDescription' then begin CCol:= rainer-daus.deyName('Buttoncolour').AsString; rainer-daus.de:= StringToColor(CCol); end; end;. It may be simpler to call StrToInt instead of StringToColor since StringToColor does more than you need. In order for StringToColor to decode that, you must prefix the string with a $ symbol. rainer-daus.de:= StringToColor ('$'+CCol); This is made clear in the documentation which is always worth reading when you get stuck. The way to get them is. you can either do some fancy shifts on the 32 bit rgb quad, or you can. simply use the macros provided . Feb 17,  · not integer, the are BYTE size (unsigned int). Hello I use Delphi 7 Pro on Windows XP. When scrolling down a "Color" property list of any component inside the. 8. One other explanation is that you are putting ARGB values into a TColor. That's also a mistake because  . Mar 21, R:= GetRValue(ColorToRGB(Color));. Color); while I RealColor = paletteColor then begin Label1. Caption:= IntToStr (I); RedEdit. ColorToRGB (Form1. Button1Click (Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; Result: Integer; RealColor, paletteColor: TColor; begin Result:= 0; I:= 0; RealColor:= Graphics. True color images do not contain palette information, but instead is composed of lines of RGB values. To confuse you even more, there's what's called a COLORREF. The image data is then comprised of indexes into the palette table. In a palettized bitmap, there is an array of palette entries (RGB values + 1 reserved byte) before the image. r = IntParse(rainer-daus.de()) g = IntParse(rainer-daus.de()) b = IntParse(rainer-daus.de()) clr = rainer-daus.degb(r, g, b) argb . Jun 21,  · Dim argb As Integer. The value $00FF (Delphi) or 0x00FF (C++) represents full-intensity, pure blue, $FF00 (Delphi) or 0xFF00 (C++) is pure green, and $FF . Im really sorry I cant. In hex 0 to is 00 to FF. So to make a color of r,g,b where red is , green is 0 and blue is it would be FF00FF. AS3 Convert an Integer to Binary Value. Convert RGB to Hexadecimal using JavaScript. AS3 Convert a Hex Color (integer) to a CSS Color (string). . In Delphi, colours are generally represented by a TColor, a hexadecimal number in 4 bytes. The internal format of TColor can have five formats: 1. you can cast the result to be a TColor. A COLORREF and a TColor both are bit integers. 4 Answers. Hence, MyColour:= RGB (Red,Green,Blue); will work just fine. @Asped: No, the highest byte in the DWORD should be 0 for a normal colour. Normally, casting is done implicitly. const numpaletteentries = 20; var fpaletteentries: array[numpaletteentries - 1] of tpaletteentry; procedure rainer-daus.de1click(sender: tobject); var i: integer; result: integer; realcolor, palettecolor: tcolor; begin result:= 0; i:= 0; realcolor:= rainer-daus.deorgb(rainer-daus.de); while i < numpaletteentries do begin with . Delphi uses a decimal representation for colors, the way these are built up is simply like integer values which means that in the . Aug 26,  · August 26, Frédéric Hannes. Procedure rainer-daus.de1Timer(Sender: TObject);. 7. UIConsts”) and by using random integers (0 to ) as values for the color's RGB components. It seems very odd to have CMYK be Integer  . Feb 1, In the second case, I usually want floating point precision for doing the color manipulation, though. Here’s how it’s done: procedure ColorToRGB(const Color: Integer; out R, G, B: Byte); begin R:= Color and $FF; G:= (Color shr 8) and $FF; B:= (Color shr 16) and $FF; end; function RGBToColor(const R, G, B: Byte): Integer; begin Result:= R or (G shl 8) or (B shl 16); end;. Converting a decimal color value (bit) to RGB in Delphi is easy using bitshifts, the reverse is true as well. It seems to work (at. I wrote a record which encapsulates conversion of colors between TColor, RGB values, CMYK values, and HSV/HSB values. Here's how it's done: 01 procedure ColorToRGB (const Color: Integer; out R, G, B: Byte); 02 begin 03 R:= Color and $FF; 04 G:= (Color shr 8) and $FF; 05 B:= (Color shr 16) and $FF; 06 end; 07 Converting a decimal color value (bit) to RGB in Delphi is easy using bitshifts, the reverse is true as well. The internal format of TColor can have five formats: 1. In Delphi, colours are generally represented by a TColor, a hexadecimal number in 4 bytes. (And remember that Delphi's TColor type isn't necessarily an RGB value. Is there a way to define a TCOLOR constant using the RGB values? I couldn't make any other color. . rainer-daus.de[x,y]:= an_integer; This code will only make colors like green, yellow, black and red. you can either do some fancy shifts on the 32 bit rgb quad, or you can. Hope this helps, good luck. The way to get them is. not integer, the are BYTE size (unsigned int). simply use the macros provided in the SDK, namely GetBValue for blue, GetRValue for red, and GetGValue for green. Dim argb As Integer r = IntParse (rainer-daus.de ()) g = IntParse (rainer-daus.de ()) b = IntParse (rainer-daus.de ()) clr = rainer-daus.degb (r, g, b) argb = rainer-daus.de () rainer-daus.de = rainer-daus.deng () I tried with 2 numbers & Both of then provided R- , G, B This RGB doesn't show the same color as the number shows. You can also use the RGB macro to create the color. After declaring the variable, you can initialize it. To do this, you can assign it any long integer value. Button1Clink(Sender: Tobject); var Color: TColor; R, G, B: integer; begin Color:= ClBlack; R:= Color and $FF; G:= (Color and $FF00) shr 8; B:= (Color. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn  . Aug 17, Take in mind that Delphi TColor is a bit integer decimal color representation.
  • $ (Delphi) or 0x (C++) is black and $00FFFFFF (Delphi) or 0x00FFFFFF (C++) is white. The value $00FF (Delphi) or 0x00FF (C++) represents full-intensity, pure blue, $FF00 (Delphi) or 0xFF00 (C++) is pure green, and $FF (Delphi) or 0xFF (C++) is pure red.
  • A byte is a number that can have the range of 0 to In hex 0 to is 00 to FF. So to make a color of r,g,b where red is , green is 0 and blue is it would be FF00FF. This will help you understand how graphics are stored in memory and why the color needs to be set the way it does. A color of RGB is made of 3 bytes. function to turn an HTML Color (Hex or Name) to a Delphi TColor function HTML2Color(const HTML: String): Integer; safecall; implementation. 5. To do this, you can assign it any long integer value. You can also use the RGB macro to create the color. . After declaring the variable, you can initialize it. case Integer of. A simple ARGB color quad, compatible with bit DIBs. used by most Windows API functions and implemented in Delphi as TColor type. converting an image into the color space for some app or library that works in that space; converting an individual pixel into HSV (or whatever) to do a particular manipulation on it, then converting back to RGB; In the first case, there are generally constraints, such as that the resulting image must have 8-bits per channel. Following function will convert TColor type color values to "Internet-style" color codes: { Return TColor value in XXXXXX format (X being a hex digit) } function TColorToHex (Color: TColor): string; begin Result:= { red value } IntToHex (GetRValue (Color), 2) + { green value } IntToHex (GetGValue (Color), 2) + { blue value }. But it doesn't provide result as expected. Dim clrtxt = rainer-daus.de Dim. Thanks. 6. My code transfers color number to RGB is. Code Snippet. r = IntParse(rainer-daus.de()) g = IntParse(rainer-daus.de()) b = IntParse(rainer-daus.de()) clr = rainer-daus.degb(r, g, b) argb = rainer-daus.de() rainer-daus.de = rainer-daus.deng(). Dim argb As Integer. It always returns True. Same with HSVToRGB (). You aren't copying any values. If you do want S to be in the range, then don't multiply it by here: if (maxRGB ) then S:= * delta / maxRGB and then divide by here: S:= S / ; Also, why is RGBToHSV () a function? The procedure name CopyOutput () is confusing. The low three bytes represent. You can specify TColor as a 4-byte hexadecimal number instead of using the constants defined in the Graphics unit.