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Meaning of 420 on craigslist

friendly is a term for. You may find the phrase friendly . Friendly. This is a way to express the acceptance of smoking pot or accepting somone who does so, without overtly mentioning pot or marijuana. So, what is friendly. It is even used on Craigslist postings for people trying to find new roommates who smoke weed, listing “ friendly” in their posts. Someone who is " friendly" likes marijuana, probably uses marijuana, and would not mind if you use marijuana. "" is a vernacular reference to marijuana. . Aug 30, "" is a vernacular reference to marijuana. Someone who is " friendly" likes marijuana, probably uses marijuana, and would not mind if you use marijuana. Author has answers and K answer views 6 y Four-twenty, as it is called, refers to a pro-pot or pot-accepting attitude. Anywhere you see it, it means cannabis friendly. is a euphemism for all things cannabis/marijuana related. More answers below Quora User Cannabis is way too strong now for a pleasant and functional high. You may also see " friendly" which means that they are acceptable of Cannabis oil use because looks like OIL upside down. Selena York Human Behavior, Mental Illness, Abuse, Addiction, Families 6 y. friendly means that the person is acceptable of Cannabis use. Feb 11,  · April 20th at is marked by annual events in Mount Tamalpais, CA (an informal gathering); Marin Conty, CA (the Hemp Fest); Ann Arbor, MI (the Hash Bash); and . rainer-daus.de › Terms. can mean different things depending on the context where it's used, but it most typically serves as a stand-in. What Is The Meaning Behind The Number ?

  • The term isn't restricted to use by those who smoke,  . friendly is a term for cannabis tolerance widely used on dating sites and craigslist.
  • State Route ). is a phreak's (and not just a hippie's) favorite number for a variety of reasons, or maybe for no reason at all, but colloquially the number says pot -- "let's smoke pot", or "someone's smoking pot", or "gee, i really like pot", or "time to smoke pot", either by time ( a.m. or p.m.), date (April 20th), or otherwise (e.g. State Route ). is a phreak's (and not just a hippie's) favorite number for a variety of reasons, or maybe for no reason at all, but colloquially the number says pot -- "let's smoke pot", or "someone's smoking pot", or "gee, i really like pot", or "time to smoke pot", either by time ( a.m. or p.m.), date (April 20th), or otherwise (e.g. What does mean? There are varying theories on . usually means time to smoke weed its a pothead rainer-daus.de pretty sure it’s weed rainer-daus.de below this is interesting. Weedmaps is your convenient and complete guide to cannabis - your one-stop shop for cannabis information and the. Need help navigating the cannabis universe? Used in a lot of ads like Craigslist or to know what to bring before a party. . The meaning of FRIENDLY is: Cool with smoking pot or marijuana. We nabbed this puppy for a cool $20 from a very friendly craigslist poster. friendly can mean a variety of things in Craigslist posts. In personals, it generally means that the poster is open to friendships or encounters with those who smoke or may even be used to find new smoking friends. What Does Friendly Mean on Cragislist? It stands for Adult Breastfeeding Relationship or Adult Nursing Relationship. Urgh. Anything to do with massage or casual encounters - Under no circumstances should you sign up for a massage through Craigslist. , Mary-Jane, Violet - Marijuana ABR/ANR - Should you come across an ad for ABR/ANR, shut your laptop right away. In regards of its origin, the number denotes April 20, the . Apr 24,  · In all contexts and situations, friendly means that someone or some place is open to cannabis use. Used in a lot of ads like Craigslist or to know what to bring before a party. The meaning of FRIENDLY is: Cool with smoking pot or marijuana. The phrase FRIENDLY is typically used in personal ads and on dating sites, such as TINDER and Craig's List, to indicate that the poster smokes cannabis. You won't be seeing any craigslist recommendations as all of these methods for finding a credible and legal weed dealer in your area are vetted by review. The phrase FRIENDLY is typically used in personal ads and on dating sites, such as TINDER and Craig's List, to indicate that the poster smokes cannabis  . Urgh. Anything to do with massage or casual encounters – Under no circumstances should you sign up for a massage through Craigslist. It stands for Adult Breastfeeding Relationship or Adult Nursing Relationship. , Mary-Jane, Violet – Marijuana ABR/ANR – Should you come across an ad for ABR/ANR, shut your laptop right away. What Does Friendly Mean On Dating Apps? If you've seen an ad for an apartment on Craigslist or AirBnB stating ' friendly', it denotes that the owners or those living are open-minded around cannabis use, without having to overtly mention it. It's a more discreet way to communicate that "we welcome cannabis use" online in other words. This is a way to express the acceptance of smoking pot or accepting somone who does so, without overtly mentioning pot . What does friendly mean on Craigslist? Friendly. Jun Generally speaking, “ friendly” means that a person, hotel or other business establishment is open to letting you smoke cannabis in peace. Overall, friendly refers  . Jul 19, With strict regulations in the past, the definition of the term for enthusiasts has evolved slightly over time. It’s a more discreet way to communicate that “we welcome cannabis use” online in other words. What Does Friendly Mean On Dating Apps?. If you’ve seen an ad for an apartment on Craigslist or AirBnB stating ‘ friendly’, it denotes that the owners or those living are open-minded around cannabis use, without having to overtly mention it. Abstract—Recent studies have shown that information mined from Craigslist can be used for informing public health policy. Urgh. Craigslist Code Words This is not the ice cream you were looking for. , Mary-Jane, Violet - Marijuana ABR/ANR - Should you come across an ad for ABR/ANR, shut your laptop and throw it into the sea. It stands for Adult Breastfeeding Relationship or Adult Nursing Relationship. Overall, friendly refers. With strict regulations in the past, the definition of the term for enthusiasts has evolved slightly over time. One place you may find this used is on Craigslist. You’re likely searching for a place to rent and you’ll see this in . Apr 25,  · The Meaning Behind has become a thing of legend. It references a tolerant attitude. Apr You may have seen the phrase “ Friendly” used across dating apps and social platforms like Craigslist. April 20th at is marked by annual events in  . Feb 11, This is from some phish website re meaning of this should answer everyone's questions. , Mary-Jane, Violet - Marijuana ABR/ANR - Should you come across an ad for ABR/ANR, shut your laptop and throw it into the sea. It stands for Adult Breastfeeding Relationship or Adult Nursing Relationship. Urgh. Craigslist Code Words This is not the ice cream you were looking for. This somewhat cryptic phrase refers to friendliness to cannabis culture. The Legend of Cannabis is the plant of many nicknames. So what does friendly mean? To put it another way, people who are friendly are down to get high — or at least don't mind if you do. It has nothing to do with a police code for. It means that someone is an advocate or ok with marijuana usage and its surrounding subculture. Where does the term come from and why did it catch on, asks Aidan Lewis. Apr The number has become a popular code for marijuana. . Dec 28, housing categories in Craigslist and devised text-mining methods started as “ Louis”, meaning “at they'd meet by the.
  • It refers to the term which has become lingo smoking pot. Urban Dictionary: friendly friendly This is a way to express the acceptance of smoking pot or accepting somone who does so, without overtly mentioning pot or marijuana. You may find the phrase friendly often in personal ads, especially on Craig's List.
  • I looked up Sacramento and found all kinds of prop ads. A few years ago, when I first started growing for other patients, I tried putting ads on CL and they were always flagged. I just went on craigslist in my little podunk town and found 3 people wanting to barter for meds. It started as the police code. Apr The flyer came complete with a back story: " started somewhere in San Rafael, California in the late '70s. It has nothing to do with a police code for  . May 10, It means that someone is an advocate or ok with marijuana usage and its surrounding subculture. This is a way to express the acceptance of smoking pot or accepting somone who does so, without overtly mentioning pot or marijuana. This somewhat cryptic phrase refers to friendliness to cannabis culture. To put it another way, people who are friendly are down to get high — or at least don’t mind if you do. The Legend of Cannabis is the plant of many nicknames. So what does friendly mean? Employed: More loosely defined than the above, this one means "leaves the house with some regularity" just as much as it does "can afford to pay the rent every month.". (It's tough out there for the over roommate seeker, it would seem.) Most commonly seen for rooms that inexplicably cost $1, or more per month. Apr friendly is generally used by people who list open rooms in their apartments on sites like craigslist so they can find “chill” roommates. A few years ago, when I first started growing for other patients, I tried putting ads on CL and they were always flagged. I just went on craigslist in my little podunk town and found 3 people wanting to barter for meds. I looked up Sacramento and found all kinds of prop ads. Or you gotta smoke outside with me or alone just outside Larry Terrell Dog Groomer (present) Author has K answers and M answer views 3 y. It basically means you can't have a problem with because he or company he keeps partake in the culture. Just no partaking in the house. April 20th at is marked by annual events in. This is from some phish website re meaning of this should answer everyone's questions.