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When a bomb threat telephone call is received

Immediately retreat, leave the area to a safe . IF A BOMB IS SEEN/RECEIVED ON CAMPUS If you find a device or suspicious package, DO NOT move or touch the device or package. call, contact FPS, Local Police (), and. Most bomb threats are received by If a bomb threat is received by phone: 1. Remain calm. · Ask a lot of questions, (see list  . Bomb threats are usually reported via telephone. If you receive a bomb threat via telephone: · Take the caller seriously. Part 1 Answering the Phone Download Article 1 Take a deep breath. If you receive a bomb threat, don’t panic. Instead, remain as calm as possible and obtain relevant information from the caller. [2]. If possible, have a coworker contact the police while you are on the phone. Try to remain calm. Try to remain calm. [2]. Instead, remain as calm as possible and obtain relevant information from the caller. If possible, have a coworker contact the police while you are on the phone. Part 1 Answering the Phone Download Article 1 Take a deep breath. If you receive a bomb threat, don't panic. By CSO Staff CSO | Aug 1, am PST 1. Aug 01,  · Top 10 Questions to Ask When You Receive a Bomb Threat Call 1. When will the bomb . When will the bomb explode? All staff who may answer inbound telephone calls must be aware of the procedures for dealing with a bomb threat received via a telephone call.

  • · If possible, signal or pass a note to  . If You Receive a Bomb Threat · Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. · DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does.
  • Every bomb threat is unique and should be handled in the context of the facility or environment in which it occurs. If You Receive a Bomb Threat. Bomb threats are most commonly received via phone, but are also made in person, via email, written note, or other means. Expand All Sections If You Receive a Bomb Threat If You Find a Suspicious Item Have a Plan - Guidance for Facility Owners, Operators, and Managers. The guidance and resources listed below outline in-depth procedures for either bomb threats or suspicious items and will help you prepare and react appropriately during these events. Keep the caller on the line as long as you can. Notify your . Instructions: Be calm and courteous Let the caller speak. Record as much of the caller’s conversation verbatim, as possible. If the threat is received via telephone call, the officer receiving the call must record details constantly and get as much information as possible. Signs of a suspicious package: No return address. Excessive postage. Do not delete the message. . Poorly handwritten. If a bomb threat is received by e-mail: Call. 9. 5. Why did you place the bomb? What kind of bomb is it? 6. 8. What is your name? Did you place the bomb? 7. When will the bomb explode? By CSO Staff CSO | Aug 1, am PST 1. Where is the bomb? 2. News Top 10 Questions to Ask When You Receive a Bomb Threat Call 1. 3. When will the bomb explode? A. True B. False True Your organization`s Disaster or . When a bomb threat telephone call is received, note voice characteristics, and ask where the bomb will explode and at what time. August If you receive a telephone bomb threat. Do not hang up and leave your phone off the hook when the call. Bomb Threats and Suspicious Packages. 1. Bomb threats are serious until proven otherwise. Act quickly, but remain calm and obtain information with the Bomb. . Most bomb threats are received by phone. Your place of employment should have a plan in place instructing what to do when a bomb threat is received. If you receive a bomb threat. All bomb threats should be taken very seriously and handled as though an explosive were in the building. Bomb threats are usually received by telephone, but they may also be received by note, letter or e-mail. In the case of a bomb threat, this will involve asking about where the bomb is located and what the bomb may look like. Questions regarding the motive of the caller is also important. In particular, the person receiving the threat call should ask about the specifics of the threat, as well as any motives or demands that underpin the threat. 1. A. Nature of incident. 2. 3. BOMB THREAT. Where was call received? What was the telephone number of. Who received call? BOMB INCIDENT AFTER ACTION REPORT. Bomb threats are serious until proven otherwise. Act quickly, but remain calm and obtain information with the  . Most bomb threats are received by telephone. Refer to page 2, the. Bomb Threat Phone Call Checklist form. Ask the caller as many questions as possible. In response to a bomb threat, employees should consider the following actions: Be calm, courteous, and do not interrupt the caller. Signal to someone near you to alert a supervisor. Write down everything the caller tells you. Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible and do not hang up. IF A BOMB THREAT IS RECEIVED BY PHONE. Immediately notify UT Police of the bomb threat by dialing or call IF A BOMB THREAT IS RECEIVED BY EMAIL Immediately notify UT Police of the bomb threat by dialing or call Print a copy of the. Bomb Threat Phone Call Checklist form, to record any impressions from the call (tone of voice, background noise). A bomb threat can be received by telephone, note, letter or email, text message, If you receive a bomb threat, call (Police) immediately. . If a bomb threat is received by phone. Bomb threats are serious until proven otherwise. Act quickly, but remain calm and obtain information with the checklist. In the case of a letter bomb, the U.S. Postal Service and several other sources, advise training telephone receptionists [and anyone else who regularly answers the organization’s telephones] to remain calm and ask the caller. All phone calls threatening bombs, arson, death or bodily injury should be treated as real expressions of the caller’s intention to inflict injury or damage. Bomb Threat or Threatening Call Checklist. The danger of a possible fire or bombing is too great to ignore. Act quickly, but remain calm and obtain information with the checklist on the reverse of this card. If a bomb threat is received by phone: 1. Keep the ca lr oh li e f r s l g as p ssib e. Most bomb threats are received by phone. 2. R emai nc alm. Listen. DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does. Bomb threats are serious until proven otherwise. Bomb threats are usually received by telephone, but may also br received by note, If you are at work, have a coworker call and building security. DO NOT antagonize or challenge the subject. · Obtain as much information as  . Procedures · Stay calm and indicate your desire to cooperate with the Subject.
  • Notify your supervisor (or, if your supervisor is unavailable, the Executive Director) immediately after the call. Threatening Call Checklist [Front of Sheet] Instructions: Be calm and courteous Let the caller speak. Keep the caller on the line as long as you can. Record as much of the caller's conversation verbatim, as possible.
  • Keep the caller on the line for as long as possible. 4. 3. If a bomb threat is received by phone: 1. Be polite and show interest. Remain calm. Listen carefully. Try to keep the caller talking to learn more information. 2. DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does. Although rare, telephone and bomb threats are an issue that all staff should be use by employees at the time, should a threatening call be received. • Obtain a copy of the UT Bomb Threat  . In the event a bomb threat is received through a telephone call, the person receiving the call should: • Keep calm. R emai nc alm. Listen carefully. Bomb threats are serious until proven otherwise. Keep the ca lr oh li e f r s l g as p ssib e. 2. DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does. Most bomb threats are received by phone. Act quickly, but remain calm and obtain information with the checklist on the reverse of this card. If a bomb threat is received by phone: 1. All bomb threats should be taken very seriously and handled as though an explosive were in the building. Your place of employment should have a plan in place instructing what to do when a bomb threat is received. Bomb Threats Español Bomb threats are usually received by telephone, but they may also be received by note, letter or e-mail. Bomb threats are serious until proven BOMB THREAT CALL not hang up, but from a different phone, contact. Most bomb threats are received by phone. 4. If a bomb threat is received by phone: 1. 2. Remain calm. DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does. Try to keep the caller talking to learn more information. 3. Listen carefully. Keep the caller on the line for as long as possible. Be polite and show interest. 7. Complete the bomb threat checklist immediately. Call the facility's Security Guard Force if your facility has one, FPS, and/or. Write down as much detail as you can remember. If a bomb threat is received by handwritten note: 1. 6. Try to get the words exact. If your phone has a display, copy the number and/or letters on the window display.