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White stuff on betta gills

By onlywei, February 26, in Diseases. Apr 19,  · White stuff and lump around Betta gill. Share. gills. overcrowded) and unmaintained water, bacteria may enter through lacerations, the mouth or gills. Visible, sometimes. Under stressful habitat conditions (e.g. Saprolegnia water molds (Oomycetes) are one of the most common infections of freshwater  . Feb 28, It looks like a water mold infection (fungus) to me. Weird White Things On Betta Gills White strange film with lines like webs on the top of the betta tank White film over black mollies eye and on same side she has a white growth on gills. I have noticed the white around his gills have gotten a greenish tint and a new kind of area of white which I have marked in the second picture. The greenish tint I mentioned only occurs when I do have the flash on. The last picture doesn't have the flash on so you can see it as that. Here's current photos of him. It is caused by an . Nov 08,  · White Spots on Betta Fish (CC BY-SA source) Ich or Ick is one of the most common betta fish diseases, although it is preventable and treatable. The level of severity will depend on how many white spots. Ich parasites look like small granules of salt or sugar speckled across their body, gills and finnage.

  • The fungi that cause it belong to the related genera Saprolegnia and Achyla. This true  . Body fungus -- despite the name -- can infect the gills of a betta.
  • The curled dorsal fin is from either hard water or poor water quality. Look up gill flukes and see if this looks like what you're talking about. Columnaris is white fuzzy patches on the betta's back. Sometimes it is damage done from the pet store cup or it may be from current conditions. The white scale is no biggie, it's just a loose scale. In addition, the betta is sensitive to salt, and adding it now will have only a negative effect. The betta is vulnerable to fungus because he doesn't have all these things, and changing all of the water will make matters worse. A percent water change will suddenly change water parameters and add more stress for the betta. (there should be a picture attached) It appears to be shiny. It was there 6 months ago when I got him from Walmart. He seemed fine . Feb 16,  · Whaat is the white part by my Betta's gills. It appears as a white, cotton-like slime on the fish. Fortunately, most. A fungal infection is when a fungus grows and eats the skin, fins and body of a fish. Also known as white spot, ich or ick is a parasitic disease that causes white dots, rings, marks, or spots on the belly, fins, tail, gills, and other parts of  . Here’s some INFO. Food:Tetra BettaFlake Medley/Tetra Freeze Dried BloodWorms (once a week for the worms) Tank size: 3G. Heater: Yes. Filter: Yes. Live plants: No. My male Betta has a weird white Spot I only one of his Gills I’m not fully sure what it is, I’m pretty worried. On my betta's left side, his gill cover has this white "flaky" thing and the gill cover looks kinda discolored as well He also has abbrations on his body on his left side as well - there seems to be two or three scales that are gone what should i do. Sometimes it is. Feb The white scale is no biggie, it's just a loose scale. The curled dorsal fin is from either hard water or poor water quality. They are similar to skin flukes, however, you'll most often find skin flukes on  . Gill flukes are a type of parasite that breed and grow in your bettas gills. The white stuff could be fungus or possibly some sort of parasite. Could you describe it?. The reddness of the gills sounds like Gill disease or possibly ammonia poisoning. It was there 6 months ago when I got him from Walmart. He seemed fine - eatting, swimming. Now there's another patch further down and its on both sides of him. Whaat is the white part by my Betta's gills. (there should be a picture attached) It appears to be shiny. Accidental contact with the gills while cleaning or handling. May Physical damage is another possibility as to why your Betta has inflamed gills. Fin rot is generally caused by poor  . Aug 19, Your fish looks to have a case of fin rot, and fungal infections are opportunistic so that could explain the white fuzz. Dec 23, #1. White stuff around Gills on Betta. Jake the Fish. this is the betta who I had to move when I came home and found his filter kicked the bucket, had to get a new filter, get it. Jan 17, #1. Hi sorry I do not have a pic, but my betta has a small patch of white stuff on his head, like by the gills, its not ich, I know what that looks like. this is feathery, slimy looking, but just on one side. You can use salt with bettas, as. Oct It might be a fungus as a secondary infection from the ich. Like Phrozian said, how did you get rid of the ich? Some medications may cause the Betta  . Nov 17, Overactive slime coats are sometimes caused by additives to the water like salt or some water conditioners. It can be prevented by changing and conditioning the water regularly, and also optimizing parameters like ammonia, pH, nitrites, and dissolved solids. Also known as white spot, ich or ick is a parasitic disease that causes white dots, rings, marks, or spots on the belly, fins, tail, gills, and other parts of the skin of betta. It started showing up not that long after doing a full water tank change. I will say that its white just around his gills. It's been like that for maybe two weeks now I didnt think much of it at first I thought it was because it was too much heat or not as much drops i should've put in for the water. Does it look like a parasite. Do the gills look swollen or inflamed. Sept Can't make much out in the pic i'm afraid. Any the gills raggy on the ends. I wouldn't worry Too much about it, just if it's fuzzy or cottony  . Back to your Betta, probably just a color change, or some coloration you never noticed before.
  • It is caused by an external water based parasite that causes malaise, itchiness, and irritation after latching onto the body of a betta fish. Ich is caused by the parasite ciliate protozoan. White Spots on Betta Fish (CC BY-SA source) Ich or Ick is one of the most common betta fish diseases, although it is preventable and treatable.
  • I change water x per week. The PH is last I checked, and the GH of my tap water is 6 drops of the API test kit. Now he has a noticeable lump on one of his fins and also some white stuff growing around that fin. There is both a sponge filter and a hang on back filter. His tank is a heavily planted 10 gallon that I keep at 78F. What could this be? Although Ich can be deadly, it doesn't have to be if you catch and. Aug Ich is a common parasitic infection in betta fish that causes white spots. Hello guys I'm gonna be leaving home for quite a long time and that means im gonna leave my betta in my parents hands and i want to make sure everything is  . gills. Share. White stuff and lump around Betta gill. By onlywei, February 26, in Diseases. Other reasons for white spots on bettas' heads, bodies, or fins are illnesses such as ich, fungal diseases, abscesses, or tumors. Ich and fungal diseases are highly contagious to other fish. A large white spot on the underside of a female betta fish is normal and not a sign of illness. Large White Spot on Betta Fish. The mucosa is produced by the fish's immune system in an attempt to. The betta's mouth, head, gills, and the dorsal area will develop a coating of slimy mucus. Poor water conditions are going to cause stress to your betta, weakening their immune system and making them more susceptible to parasites, bacteria, and fungus. The most common reason that your betta will get gill flukes is when the conditions in your tank are poor. It can be prevented by changing and conditioning the water regularly, and also optimizing parameters like ammonia, pH, nitrites, and dissolved solids. Also known as white spot, ich or ick is a parasitic disease that causes white dots, rings, marks, or spots on the belly, fins, tail, gills, and other parts of the skin of betta.